Copenhagen H3
Our host

Danish Nash Hash 2024


Venue: Danhostel Helsingør
Nordre Strandvej 24
3000 Helsingør
Dates: 28-30th June 2024

| Home | Program | Registration | Who is cumming? | The venue |
| The Mismanagement | [Our Facebook group (only works if you're logged in to FB)] |

A (very!) rough plan of events:

New! Thursday 27th June
  • * Prelube in Sweden, details here!

Friday 28th June
  • * 15:00 Registration
  • * 15:00 Beer taps open
  • * Dinner
  • * 20:00ish Pub crawl - Own cost
  • * Beer

Saturday 29th June
  • * Breakfast - and make your packed lunch
  • * 11:00 Trails - Long, Medium, Short (walkers) and Lazy Wankers
  • * Lunch on trail - provided you remembered to pack one
  • * Circle
  • * Shenanigans
  • * Dinner
  • * Party 'til late. Theme is Fairy Tales

Sunday 30th June
  • * Breakfast
  • * Clear your room
  • * Hangover trail
  • * Circle
  • * Beer taps close
  • * Bugger off

Monday 1st July

Hosted by Copenhagen Hash House Harriers